Developing high potential leaders at a global healthcare company


Our client is a science-led, global healthcare company that researches and develops a range of innovative products.

As part of their leadership strategy, the client wanted to ensure it had a strong internal pipeline of future candidates for executive roles.

They wanted to identify partners who could provide a cutting-edge development program that enabled leaders to understand their own development needs in relation to future leadership requirements and systematically address them through a blended program of individual coaching and residential programs.

They were also keen to develop these leaders as a group and encourage them to work together.




YSC worked closely with the client and another provider to create an integrated, two-year holistic development program. This was a global program with 32 high-potential future leaders taking part.

First, we researched the capabilities that would be required of the organization’s future leaders. The outputs acted as a guide for participants in the program as well as a basis to structure the residential components.

We then conducted executive assessment to give the individual and organization a read-out on how each leader measured up to the requirements of an Enterprise Leader in the future, including their readiness for Enterprise Leadership roles and their potential trajectory. The assessment was the foundation for the leaders’ personal development plan as well as an opportunity for the client to deepen its insight into its leaders.

Leaders received individual coaching support over the course of the two-year period to maximize their development and embed learning from the residential components. It gave participants the opportunity to focus on their unique development needs and achieve transformational change in their performance by addressing underlying blockers to performance.

The final component was a series of residential programs. The content was tightly aligned to the original research into the capabilities that will be required in future executives.


We are a key strategic partner in their efforts to develop leadership capital and further strengthen their talent pipeline so that they have the leaders it needs now and in the future.

The client observed a significant shift in the capability and performance of the Enterprise Leadership participants.

The business significantly improved the quality of its internal talent for senior level successors including:

  • A broader enterprise leadership perspective
  • Greater personal and leadership impact
  • Improved empowerment of their teams
  • Greater confidence and better communication

They also observed the group form strong bonds, strengthening the trust between leaders in this key layer in the organization.

Find out more about identifying and developing potential with YSC...

How do you know that you are identifying and developing your talent effectively? Do you have the people you need to achieve your desired future state? YSC's JDI Model of Potential™ can unlock the insights you need to make better decisions.